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A few words about Josef Shmuel.
Josef Shmuel is a Jew, his father and mother are Jews. Born in Ukraine, now lives in Israel.
More than 20 years ago, Jesus appears to him in
a vision, blesses Josef and supernaturally releases him to serve, opening his mind to understand the mysteries of Scripture and the times in which we live. Since then, the Prophet Josef has declassified many world, significant secrets and conspiracies against humanity, for example, the Earth is Flat, we live under the Dome, religious dogma in religions is distorted, God is not triune, but Yeshua the Son of God is the Firstborn among brothers, and we can also walk in the Power of God, imitating Yeshua – the elder brother.
Josef makes a Covenant with Jesus, a Covenant with the God of Israel, Yahovah, through Jesus Christ. Since then, His ministry has been accompanied by many miracles, healings, and great wisdom. People who communicate with him say that they have found a storehouse of wisdom and revelations; the Bible begins to open up in a new light.
One of the important messages is that he restores the Gospel, which was modified over 2000 years by the pagans, opens the understanding of the First Commandment and the Name of God.
Since Josef is not afraid of any cliches and he has no attachment to religion, Jesus revealed many secrets to him with a fresh look. Josef Shmuel reveals these secrets to people and explains the times in which we live, and also reveals the wisdom of the Bible, the causes and events on the world stage, Ukraine and Russia – a war that the Prophet Josef Shmuel foresaw and warned about in advance, when they did not even suspect that this can happen.
Just as they persecuted Jesus, and today they continue to persecute God’s servants, including the Prophet Josef, slandering him and calling him a false prophet, but despite this, God leads His Prophet and continues to broadcast the Truth through him, and then the choice everyone. The Word of God says: Believe the prophets of God and you will prosper. (2 CHAR. 20:20)
Here on this site are collected materials from the Prophet of God Josef Shmuel, which fill with wisdom, bring clarity and bring Blessing.